Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"
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Teatro Palladium, 27/5/2023: "Il berretto a Sonagli"

Riadattato dall'omonima opere di Luigi Pirandello.
Riscrittura di Andrea Ciccolini e Marco Tempera, Regia Di Marco Tempera, aiuto regia Marta Sonetti.
Interpreti: Elena Giovannini, Leonardo A. Lutrario, Martina Rosato, Beatrice Rincicotti, Aurora Silanos e Tommaso Tampelloni. Costumi Lucia Cipollini Scenografie Flaminia Quircio e Mario Chiatosini.
Questo ed altri spettacoli portati alla ribalta dal 24 al 27 maggio 2023, fanno parte dell'Edizione Zero di OverGround, un progetto sperimentale che coinvolge alcune realtà teatrali romane emergenti ed indipendenti, ideato co-prodotto e organizzato da Fondazione Roma Tre Teatro Palladium.
Ufficio stampa: Fiorenza Gherardi De Candei
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